I am not just one thing. I am many. I am divinity shaped by a broken past. And in my scattered fragments, you will find a dark and hidden beauty. I am a story waiting to be read. I am a work of art waiting to be felt. And in all that I create and consume, I long to feel I am someplace far away and yet utterly home all at once.

Acrylic Painting - Trying A New Art Medium.

Click to enlarge
 To my dearest friends and followers,

While I have yet to get back in to the swing of writing (I will soon though, I promise!), I have been doing something else which has been quite fun and relaxing in a way - acrylic painting!

Last year, I believe it was around this time, I began learning how to use watercolors. It was something I really wanted to do and had had an interest in for a little while. I decided to take it up when I did for the purpose of designing the cover for my book (which you can buy from my Ko-fi shop here).

This year, taking up acrylic paint was entirely unexpected. Basically, as I wrote in my blog post 2 weeks ago, I began going through my American Girl stuff. I got rid of some things and bought some new things and yeah - it's been great fun!
Anyhow, I decided I wanted a tiny little box to store my doll's things in, such as hair ribbons, necklaces, and the like. So I bought a paper maché box at the craft store and borrowed some acrylic paint and paint brushes from my mother-in-law and I painted the box to look like the American Girl Kirsten's furniture set. XD
I spent the entirety of 1 evening painting it and I love how it came out!
Click to enlarge

After that, I realized I had a lot of fun painting it, so I decided I wanted to paint something else. But what? It didn't take long to decide. I wanted to paint a box for my American Girl doll shoes. So I found a Schwan's box I had on hand, bought my own paint brushes for this project, and painted the box to look like the American Girl Coconut Stationary Kit box. The Stationary Kit was something I wanted as a kid and never got, so it came to me easily what I wanted this new project to look like. It took me about 4 days to complete it. Turned out super cute in my opinion. XD

So yeah, that's what I've been up to mostly this week. I hope you have a great week ahead! Be sure to keep an eye out on my blog and my social media for upcoming projects I'll be working on! As always, thank you so much for reading!

Yours truly,

Check out my book on my Ko-fi shop!
Contact me about the rare and retired American Girl items I'm selling!!
