The Story of You (Wizard101).
To my dearest friends and followers,
Have you ever heard of the First World? It was an interesting place to be sure, but let us go back even farther. Before anything else, there was the Tree. He was very old and very wise, one eye looking to the past and the other looking at what was yet to happen.
The Tree had a sister too, the Raven. Aside from them, there was also the Spider.
Now, with the Raven's help, the Tree sang the song of creation and thus brought the First World into existence. In it, he made the Titans, the Giants, and the Dragons.
To the Titans, the Tree gave the magic of Storm. To the Giants, he gave Ice magic, and to the Dragons he gave Fire magic. Each of the beings were good and created to be a source of light in the new world.
To the Titans, the Tree gave the magic of Storm. To the Giants, he gave Ice magic, and to the Dragons he gave Fire magic. Each of the beings were good and created to be a source of light in the new world.
Unfortunately, the Raven wanted to control the world and take away free-will. The Spider, however, disagreed with this. He gave the Titans, Giants, and Dragons the ability to freely govern themselves and break away from the Tree and the Raven. Soon the created beings began to fight against each other. From the spark of Storm magic and the warmth of Fire magic, a new magic was created; Life magic. And from the dark and cold shadows of Storm magic and Ice magic, Death magic was born. From the wonder and mystery of the opposites, Fire magic and Ice magic, Myth magic came to be.
Sadly, with the created beings all fighting one another, the First World was torn apart. The Tree and the Raven did their best to hold all the fragments together and created a new world called the Spiral. But things were different. The world was imperfect because the Spider, one of the original three beings, was not a part of it. The Raven, though she loved him, blamed him for destroying the First World and came to resent him. So she locked him away, and though his heart was the source of the dark and chaos, she took it from him and hid it away in the Spiral, that it might make the new world complete.
The Raven was the embodiment of good, while the Spider was the embodiment of evil. It was the Raven's desire to end the Spider once and for all, but because of her goodness, she was unable to. So she created a child for herself, Mellori (Latin roots, corvus mellori, meaning "Little Raven"). The Raven then extracted the good from herself and placed it in her daughter. Thus, Mellori became a source of light and good, and the Raven was free to kill the Spider. However, doing so would destroy the Spiral.
Sadly, with the created beings all fighting one another, the First World was torn apart. The Tree and the Raven did their best to hold all the fragments together and created a new world called the Spiral. But things were different. The world was imperfect because the Spider, one of the original three beings, was not a part of it. The Raven, though she loved him, blamed him for destroying the First World and came to resent him. So she locked him away, and though his heart was the source of the dark and chaos, she took it from him and hid it away in the Spiral, that it might make the new world complete.
The Raven was the embodiment of good, while the Spider was the embodiment of evil. It was the Raven's desire to end the Spider once and for all, but because of her goodness, she was unable to. So she created a child for herself, Mellori (Latin roots, corvus mellori, meaning "Little Raven"). The Raven then extracted the good from herself and placed it in her daughter. Thus, Mellori became a source of light and good, and the Raven was free to kill the Spider. However, doing so would destroy the Spiral.
While the Spider was locked away, three beings were born from his dark nightmares and dreams, the Rat, the Scorpion, and the Bat. The Spider called these beings his sons and wanted to use them for his benefit, to free himself and unleash chaos and shadow into all the Spiral.
The Tree saw all that was to happen and thus made plans of his own, wanting to have a child as well. So he looked past the Spiral, into another galaxy and found Earth. It was an odd place, filled with creatures who did not believe in magic. But he saw potential. And he found you. You. To be his Scion. To Learn magic and to be a bridge between light and shadow, to bring harmony, and to save the Spiral.
This storyline is from a MMORPG, Wizard101 by Kingsisle. I've been playing it for several years, though I've been playing it a lot with my sister these past couple weeks (since my sister came to spend Christmas with us and stay a few weeks).
Disclaimer, this is not a sponsorship or anything like that, I'm not getting payed to write this, I just really enjoy the game and the storyline.
In the next couple of weeks I will get back into writing my second novel and focusing more on my Ko-fi shop, etc.
Thank you so much for reading!!
Disclaimer, this is not a sponsorship or anything like that, I'm not getting payed to write this, I just really enjoy the game and the storyline.
In the next couple of weeks I will get back into writing my second novel and focusing more on my Ko-fi shop, etc.
Thank you so much for reading!!
Yours truly,
Check out my book on Ko-fi!!
Check out Wizard101!! (Let me know if you create and account, I'd love to add you as a friend!)
Check out Wizard101!! (Let me know if you create and account, I'd love to add you as a friend!)
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