I am not just one thing. I am many. I am divinity shaped by a broken past. And in my scattered fragments, you will find a dark and hidden beauty. I am a story waiting to be read. I am a work of art waiting to be felt. And in all that I create and consume, I long to feel I am someplace far away and yet utterly home all at once.

A Child At Heart.

We are all just a puddle jump away from our youth.
~ Atticus 
To my dearest friends and followers,

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I hope you have been well. Personally, I've had a lot of fun this last week!

My sister, who had been staying with me since Christmas, went home. It was wonderful seeing her, but it left me tired - no, exhausted for a few days, as is expected when one is a host or hostess. 
Once I was able to catch my breath again, I went to work setting up my studio, since that room had been temporarily converted into a guest room. I set it up quite a bit different than it was before though, and I love it! It's snug, though comfortable, and cute! I feel like everything is organized nicely. I even decided to get rid of several things!

Which leads me in to my next exciting adventure. XD
I began an account on Offer-Up. It's pretty addicting. In case any of you aren't familiar with it, it's basically a platform like ebay, where you can sell your old things - except way cooler. It's just set up a lot different than ebay and has a clean fresh look to it.
Anyhow, I decided I should get rid of some of my old toys, specifically some of my cherished American Girl dolls and clothes. So I did. And they sold within a couple of hours of me posting them. I was pretty happy!
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But before then, I was looking at buying a few things as well. Sort of a trade as it were. Get rid of some toys to replace them with new toys. Yes. I got more toys. I can't help it. I love toys. I love going to small toyshops in malls or downtown. I don't usually buy anything, but they're so exciting to look at! So I posted several dolls and several boxes of doll clothes and a somewhat large canopy bed for said dolls and I used the money to buy a smaller bed for the dolls I kept - a bed that is easy to store, I might add.

And then I went looking for the American Girl Of The Year 2006, Jess. I remember I wanted her so bad when I was a kid. But I also wanted another doll, one which would not be retired after 2006. So I asked for both of them for Christmas, and I remember being slightly disappointed when I got the one doll, but not the other, not the Girl Of The Year. I never expressed that disappointment to my Mom, since I was grateful to have at least one of the dolls I had asked for.
But I felt like now was the time. Now was the time to fulfill that childish dream. So I found her on Offer-Up for a decent price, original box and book included. And I bought her. Jess McConnell 2006. She's everything I ever hoped for as a kid.
So yes, I bought 1 doll and 1 bed. I now own 3 dolls instead of 6: Kirsten, Mia, and Jess. I'm still a child at heart. You know you envy me.
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In addition to that, I also ordered chipboard a week or so ago and was finally able to make my new journal for 2021!! I'm in love with how it turned out. XD
Very very soon I'll be sharing more about my journals and quite possibly, you can get one for yourself too...
Until then, make sure you check out my book on my very own shop, my Ko-fi shop! If you enjoy what I do, that is the best way to support me! I have included the widget for my shop at the top of my blog page as well.
Thank you so much for reading!!

Yours truly,
