I am not just one thing. I am many. I am divinity shaped by a broken past. And in my scattered fragments, you will find a dark and hidden beauty. I am a story waiting to be read. I am a work of art waiting to be felt. And in all that I create and consume, I long to feel I am someplace far away and yet utterly home all at once.

Talking With Authors: George Yorba.

Getting to know us:
Author Interviews #4

Filled, Lit and Ready.

To my dearest friends and followers,

Today I am excited to have you hear from a very special writer, my dad, George Yorba!!
My dad was never really the type to read books unless it was the Bible. It's funny because my sister and I have such a love for books, but I think it was really my mom who encouraged us to read. Anyhow, eventually my dad began reading more and wrote his first book: Filled, Lit & Ready. It's been a few years since my dad published his book, but I remember feeling...almost proud, like wow, MY dad wrote a book!! I thought it would be really fun to interview him and talk about his book and give you guys a chance to hear from another writer. So, thank you Dad for taking the time to do this with me and thank YOU for taking the time to read this interview. XD

Tell me a bit about yourself?

I am a husband, a father, a grandfather, and most importantly a follower of Jesus Christ.

What made you decide you wanted to write?

I sensed the Lord wanted me to pass on some very useful and interesting information I had learned from years of studying. My daughters were also a motivating factor because of their love for writing. Ever since they were very little, they had been writing, illustrating, and building and binding their own books from the stories they had written.

Tell me, what is your book about?

The book is about an ancient Jewish wedding and betrothal. It coincides with the very acts and words of Jesus who is also called the bridegroom while on earth. It also talks about [how] we as the Church (also known as the Bride of Christ) [are] directly related to the parable of the 10 virgins waiting the bridegrooms tarrying return. The book will ultimately ask the reader the question, "Are you fully convinced, patiently expectant, passionately ready for Jesus Christ's return?"

How long did it take you to write this book?

It took years, because I thought someone else should do it. When I finally decided to publish, it took about a year. My wife and daughters were a big help.

Do you plan to write more books in the future?
If so, what can we look forward to?

I would like to write at least one more. I would like to write a book to my grandchildren. Passing on my faith in story form. The book is in the very beginning stages of existence.

What advice do you have on publishing to other people looking to publish?

Write it, put it down and pray about it. If you decide to go through with it, do a lot of research and choose what works best for you.

Did you learn anything about yourself or otherwise while you were writing this book?

I learned a number of things, but one worth mentioning. The scriptures talk of Jesus having all authority and being the author and perfecter of our faith. Our minds think well yeah, He is God, He is the sovereign creator of all things. But also, He is the author of my life. The story of walking hand in hand with the lover of my soul, Jesus, is still being written. Psalm 139:16 says "Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them."

Do you have any writing advice for other indie authors?

Not really.

**Thank you so much for doing this interview with me, Dad!


Be sure to check out George Yorba's book on Amazon!
Filled, Lit & Ready 

Yours truly,
